● After Happy Hour Online Contest
Deadline: Rolling
Entry fee: $1.50
Cash prize: $100
Website: After Happy Hour
● After Happy Hour Print Contest: Food
Deadline: Jan 31
Entry fee: $20
Cash prize: $1,000
Website: After Happy Hour
● ArcManorBooks’ Mike Resnick Memorial Award
Deadline: Feb 1
Entry fee: N/A
Cash prize: $250
Website: Arc Manor
● AWPAwardSeries
Deadline: February 28
Entry fee: N/A
Cash prize: $2,500– $5,500
Website: AWP Award Series
● Colorado Prize for Poetry
Deadline: January 14
Entry fee: $25-28
Cash prize: $2,500
Website: Colorado Review
● Edinburgh Short Story Prizes
Deadline: February 28
Entry fee: $11
Cash prize: £3,000
Website: Scottish Arts Trust
● Rattle Chapbook Prize
Deadline: Jan 15
Entry fee: $25
Cash prize: $5,000
Website: Rattle
● SejongWriting Competition
Deadline: Feb 28
Entry fee: N/A
Cash prize: $1,000
Website: The Sejong Cultural Society
● Single Poem Contest
Deadline: March 1
Entry fee: $5
Cash prize: $200
Website: Bicoastal Review
● Storyshare’s Story of the Year
Deadline: Jan 13
Entry fee: N/A
Cash prize: $15,000
Website: Storyshare
● Story Unlikely
Deadline: March 1
Entry fee: N/A
Cash prize: $1,500
Website: Story Unlikely
● VCULevis Reading Prize
Deadline: January 15
Entry fee: N/A
Prize: Honorarium and Richmond visit
Website: Virginia Commonwealth University
● William Matthews Poetry Prize
Deadline: Jan 15
Entry fee: $1.50
Cash prize: $100
Website: Asheville Poetry Review
● Writer Anthology Writing Contest
Deadline: January 10
Entry Fee: N/A
Cash prize: $1,000
Website: The Writer Anthology Writing Contest
Litmags Open for Submission
Deadlines vary- please check the website to confirm the reading period for each publication.
2 River View
Website: 2 River View
45th Parallel
Website: 45th Parallel
Aaduna Magazine
Website: Aaduna Magazine
Birdy Magazine
Website: Birdy Magazine
Black Fox Literary Magazine
Website: Black Fox Literary Magazine
The Café Review
Website: The Café Review
The Champagne Room
Website: The Champagne Room
Chestnut Review
Website: Chestnut Review
Website: Cutbank
Defenestration Magazine
Website: Defenestration Magazine
Delta Poetry Review
Website: Delta Poetry Review
Dishsoap Quarterly
Website: Dishsoap Magazine
Ekphrastic Review
Website: Ekphrastic Review
Equatorial Magazine
Website: Equatorial Magazine
F(r)iction Magazine
Website: F(r)iction Magazine
Five on the Fifth
Website: Five on the Fifth
Folio Literary Journal
Website: Folio
Gemini Magazine
Website: Gemini Magazine
Website: Gulf Coast
Hanging Loose Press
Website: Hanging Loose Press
The Lyric Magazine
Website: The Lyric Magazine
Marrow Magazine
Website: Marrow Magazine
National Poetry Review
Website: National Poetry Review
Nelligan Review
Website: Nelligan Review
Ninth Letter
Website: Ninth Letter
Plant Human Quarterly
Website: Plant Human Quarterly
Website: Permafrost
Raleigh Review
Website: Raleigh Review
Stillhouse Press
Website: Stillhouse Press
Strange Horizons
Website: Strange Horizons
Stone Poetry Quarterly
Website: Stone Poetry Quarterly
Website: The/t3mz/Review
Website: Tulsa Review
Tupelo Quarterly
Website: Tupelo Quarterly
Union Spring
Website: Union Spring
yalobusha Review
Website: yalobusha Review
Open All Year
These literary magazines are open for submissions at this time; however, always check the website to confirm before submitting. “Rolling deadline” can mean the litmag accepts submissions year round, that it caps submissions and closes once capacity is full; or that the deadline shifts.
The Awakenings Review
Free submissions
Website: https://awakeningsproject.org/
The Blue Mountain Review
Website: https://bluemountainreview.submittable.com/submit?utm_source=newpages&utm_medium=clas sified&utm_campaign=2022_cfs&utm_content=blue_mountain_review
Conduit Poetry
Submission Fee: $3
Website: https://www.conduit.org/submit
DarkWinter Literary Magazine
Deadline: Year round
Entry Fee: None
Website: https://www.darkwinterlit.com
Denver Quarterly
Down River Road: a journal
Website: https://downriverroad.org/guidelines/
Driftwood Press Submissions: Rolling Deadline
Year-round submissions accepted www.driftwoodpress.net
John Updike once said, "Creativity is merely a plus name for regular activity. Any activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right, or better." At Driftwood Press, we are actively searching for artists who care about doing it right, or better. We are excited to receive your submissions and will diligently work to bring you the best in full poetry collections, novellas, graphic novels, short fiction, poetry, graphic narrative, photography, art, and interviews.
Frontier Poetry - Submissions from New Voices
Deadline: Year round
Entry Fee: None
Website: https://www.frontierpoetry.com/submit/
Website: https://helixmagazine.org/submit
Identity Theory
Isele Magazine
Website: https://iselemagazine.com/
Memoir Project Open Submissions
Deadline: Year round
Entry Fee: None
Website: https://thekeepthings.com/
Plant Human Quarterly
Poetry Magazine Open Submissions
Deadline: Year round
Entry Fee: None
Website: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/submit
Deadline: Year round
Regal House Publishing
Entry Fee: $5
Website: regalhousepublishing.com
SmokeLong Quarterly
Cash Prize: $100
Website: https://www.smokelong.com/
Vast Chasm
Cash Prize: $50
Website: https://vastliterarypress.org/
The Westchester Review
Website: https://thewestchesterreview.submittable.com/submit
Wildness - Accepting submissions for poetry, fiction, and nonfiction
Deadline: Year round
Entry Fee: None
Website: https://readwildness.com/submit
Wingless Dreamer
Additional Resources
You can find more opportunities for writers on the websites listed below. Remember, whenever a contest charges an entry fee, make sure that you vet them and confirm that they are legit. A great resource for researching writing contests is the Community of Literary Magazines and Presses: www.clmp.org.
*Please note that this website no longer focuses on literary submissions, contests, and publishing. Be very, very wary of any “opportunity” that charges an entry fee in excess of $25, and double-check the Community of Literary Magazines and Presses: www.clmp.org website to make sure high-cost “opportunities” are legitimate contests.
Please approach contests with jurisprudence and due diligence. The Public Library of Mount Vernon and Knox County encourages writers to independently vet each contest’s guidelines, confirm the legitimacy of the contest before submitting. You can review contests by checking professional websites and publications for writers, such as CLMP.org, Poets and Writers Magazine, or The Writer’s Chronicle.
Driftwood Press
Rolling Deadline Entry Fee: $19.99 Cash prize: $300-$500
Website: https://driftwoodpress.submittable.com/submit
Fractured Lit Flash & Micro
Rolling Deadline
Cash Prize: $50 - $75
Website: https://fracturedlit.com/submit/
The Kenyon Review Summer Workshops
Rolling admissions, but early applications accepted. Workshops in Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Translation, and Spiritual Writing. https://kenyonreview.org/writers
Deadline: Rolling
Entry fee: $1.50
Cash prize: $100
Website: After Happy Hour
● After Happy Hour Print Contest: Food
Deadline: Jan 31
Entry fee: $20
Cash prize: $1,000
Website: After Happy Hour
● ArcManorBooks’ Mike Resnick Memorial Award
Deadline: Feb 1
Entry fee: N/A
Cash prize: $250
Website: Arc Manor
● AWPAwardSeries
Deadline: February 28
Entry fee: N/A
Cash prize: $2,500– $5,500
Website: AWP Award Series
● Colorado Prize for Poetry
Deadline: January 14
Entry fee: $25-28
Cash prize: $2,500
Website: Colorado Review
● Edinburgh Short Story Prizes
Deadline: February 28
Entry fee: $11
Cash prize: £3,000
Website: Scottish Arts Trust
● Rattle Chapbook Prize
Deadline: Jan 15
Entry fee: $25
Cash prize: $5,000
Website: Rattle
● SejongWriting Competition
Deadline: Feb 28
Entry fee: N/A
Cash prize: $1,000
Website: The Sejong Cultural Society
● Single Poem Contest
Deadline: March 1
Entry fee: $5
Cash prize: $200
Website: Bicoastal Review
● Storyshare’s Story of the Year
Deadline: Jan 13
Entry fee: N/A
Cash prize: $15,000
Website: Storyshare
● Story Unlikely
Deadline: March 1
Entry fee: N/A
Cash prize: $1,500
Website: Story Unlikely
● VCULevis Reading Prize
Deadline: January 15
Entry fee: N/A
Prize: Honorarium and Richmond visit
Website: Virginia Commonwealth University
● William Matthews Poetry Prize
Deadline: Jan 15
Entry fee: $1.50
Cash prize: $100
Website: Asheville Poetry Review
● Writer Anthology Writing Contest
Deadline: January 10
Entry Fee: N/A
Cash prize: $1,000
Website: The Writer Anthology Writing Contest
Litmags Open for Submission
Deadlines vary- please check the website to confirm the reading period for each publication.
2 River View
Website: 2 River View
45th Parallel
Website: 45th Parallel
Aaduna Magazine
Website: Aaduna Magazine
Birdy Magazine
Website: Birdy Magazine
Black Fox Literary Magazine
Website: Black Fox Literary Magazine
The Café Review
Website: The Café Review
The Champagne Room
Website: The Champagne Room
Chestnut Review
Website: Chestnut Review
Website: Cutbank
Defenestration Magazine
Website: Defenestration Magazine
Delta Poetry Review
Website: Delta Poetry Review
Dishsoap Quarterly
Website: Dishsoap Magazine
Ekphrastic Review
Website: Ekphrastic Review
Equatorial Magazine
Website: Equatorial Magazine
F(r)iction Magazine
Website: F(r)iction Magazine
Five on the Fifth
Website: Five on the Fifth
Folio Literary Journal
Website: Folio
Gemini Magazine
Website: Gemini Magazine
Website: Gulf Coast
Hanging Loose Press
Website: Hanging Loose Press
The Lyric Magazine
Website: The Lyric Magazine
Marrow Magazine
Website: Marrow Magazine
National Poetry Review
Website: National Poetry Review
Nelligan Review
Website: Nelligan Review
Ninth Letter
Website: Ninth Letter
Plant Human Quarterly
Website: Plant Human Quarterly
Website: Permafrost
Raleigh Review
Website: Raleigh Review
Stillhouse Press
Website: Stillhouse Press
Strange Horizons
Website: Strange Horizons
Stone Poetry Quarterly
Website: Stone Poetry Quarterly
Website: The/t3mz/Review
Website: Tulsa Review
Tupelo Quarterly
Website: Tupelo Quarterly
Union Spring
Website: Union Spring
yalobusha Review
Website: yalobusha Review
Open All Year
These literary magazines are open for submissions at this time; however, always check the website to confirm before submitting. “Rolling deadline” can mean the litmag accepts submissions year round, that it caps submissions and closes once capacity is full; or that the deadline shifts.
The Awakenings Review
Free submissions
Website: https://awakeningsproject.org/
The Blue Mountain Review
Website: https://bluemountainreview.submittable.com/submit?utm_source=newpages&utm_medium=clas sified&utm_campaign=2022_cfs&utm_content=blue_mountain_review
Conduit Poetry
Submission Fee: $3
Website: https://www.conduit.org/submit
DarkWinter Literary Magazine
Deadline: Year round
Entry Fee: None
Website: https://www.darkwinterlit.com
Denver Quarterly
Down River Road: a journal
Website: https://downriverroad.org/guidelines/
Driftwood Press Submissions: Rolling Deadline
Year-round submissions accepted www.driftwoodpress.net
John Updike once said, "Creativity is merely a plus name for regular activity. Any activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right, or better." At Driftwood Press, we are actively searching for artists who care about doing it right, or better. We are excited to receive your submissions and will diligently work to bring you the best in full poetry collections, novellas, graphic novels, short fiction, poetry, graphic narrative, photography, art, and interviews.
Frontier Poetry - Submissions from New Voices
Deadline: Year round
Entry Fee: None
Website: https://www.frontierpoetry.com/submit/
Website: https://helixmagazine.org/submit
Identity Theory
Isele Magazine
Website: https://iselemagazine.com/
Memoir Project Open Submissions
Deadline: Year round
Entry Fee: None
Website: https://thekeepthings.com/
Plant Human Quarterly
Poetry Magazine Open Submissions
Deadline: Year round
Entry Fee: None
Website: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/submit
Deadline: Year round
Regal House Publishing
Entry Fee: $5
Website: regalhousepublishing.com
SmokeLong Quarterly
Cash Prize: $100
Website: https://www.smokelong.com/
Vast Chasm
Cash Prize: $50
Website: https://vastliterarypress.org/
The Westchester Review
Website: https://thewestchesterreview.submittable.com/submit
Wildness - Accepting submissions for poetry, fiction, and nonfiction
Deadline: Year round
Entry Fee: None
Website: https://readwildness.com/submit
Wingless Dreamer
Additional Resources
You can find more opportunities for writers on the websites listed below. Remember, whenever a contest charges an entry fee, make sure that you vet them and confirm that they are legit. A great resource for researching writing contests is the Community of Literary Magazines and Presses: www.clmp.org.
- Almond Press
- Bookfox: Ranking of the Best 100 Literary Magazines
- Community of Literary Magazines and Presses
- Poets and Writers
- Published to Death
- NewPages
- Submittable*
*Please note that this website no longer focuses on literary submissions, contests, and publishing. Be very, very wary of any “opportunity” that charges an entry fee in excess of $25, and double-check the Community of Literary Magazines and Presses: www.clmp.org website to make sure high-cost “opportunities” are legitimate contests.
- The Practicing Writer
Please approach contests with jurisprudence and due diligence. The Public Library of Mount Vernon and Knox County encourages writers to independently vet each contest’s guidelines, confirm the legitimacy of the contest before submitting. You can review contests by checking professional websites and publications for writers, such as CLMP.org, Poets and Writers Magazine, or The Writer’s Chronicle.
Driftwood Press
Rolling Deadline Entry Fee: $19.99 Cash prize: $300-$500
Website: https://driftwoodpress.submittable.com/submit
Fractured Lit Flash & Micro
Rolling Deadline
Cash Prize: $50 - $75
Website: https://fracturedlit.com/submit/
The Kenyon Review Summer Workshops
Rolling admissions, but early applications accepted. Workshops in Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Translation, and Spiritual Writing. https://kenyonreview.org/writers